Shungite with Snow Flaked Obsidian Feature Bracelet

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Product Description:

Shungite with Snow Flaked Obsidian Feature Bracelet



  Bracelets are also very effective because the wrist is traversed by many meridian lines.  They are especially useful for those people who are in contact with a computer mouse or a telephone all day.  Bracelets can ward off  numbness in the arm.

Spheres Characteristics:

  Spheres emit a more uniform and have a harmonizing power over our energetic body because this form is in resonance with the shape of our vital field. wearing a beautiful stone is a pleasure.  Having a piece of Shungite on one's person, protects, tones, and adds vitality. Wearing a PENDANT at the level of the heart chakra brings the stone into contact with a very receptive point and increase its beneficial effect. 



Shungite is a powerful catalyst.

  Using a crystal combined with Shungite activates and increase the effect of the crystal in its subtle interaction with the energetic body, deepening the impact of these effects.  Shungite catalysis does not modify the catalyst and in addition, through its action on the first chakra, fosters the integration of the energetic process induced by the crystal. 


About Snowflake Obsidian:

  Reduces fear and re-balances your focus so that you can concentrate on positive outcomes.



 Since the dawn of time, humans have aligned their needs with nature's energies.  We built sacred spaces, as well as living quarters, while respecting and sometimes modifying the cosmic and telluric forces of places in order to adapt them vibrationally.  Today, this science, formerly used by shamans, Egyptians, Celts, Romans, and cathedral builders, is called geobiology in the West.

  In our era, since most buildings are no longer based on ancestral knowledge, the bioenergetics equilibrium of our living spaces is no longer maintained.  In any location where you spend several hours a day and especially in the places where you sleep and where you work, the expertise of a geobiology professional or a dowser can help you re-establish an optimal balance for your well-being and can reactivate your energy.

  Shungite is beginning to be known and recognized  in many countries among biogeologists who use it as an adjunct to their knowledge of the subtle energy domain.  Shungite is not only useful for protecting  against the electromagnetic  fields that we have already enumerated but is also a natural way of rebalancing cosmic and telluric energies.  Using Shungite is beneficial for everyone since we're dealing with a totally natural substance with easily measurable bioenergetics effects.

  Be reminded that Shungite never takes on a charge.  Thus using the appropriate form and calibers of Shungite can cancel out or at least counterbalance the effect of a fault line or stray electric currents or other geopathic pollution.


ABOUT Harmful Sources:

  As we have already seen, modifying the influence of electromagnetic radiation is something shungite know how to do very well and much better then other stones become Shungite does not become saturated, does not take on a negative charge, and powerfully keeps on transforming the radiation into bio-compatible elements (right torsion fields).



  The choice of protection can be divided into two distinct systems: either wearing or carrying the protection or changing the signal emitted by the apparatus using a localized protection.

  In the first case, we are modifying the parameters of our own energetic system by using a stone that increases its concentration or density through reinforcing the first chakra.  This method allows our bio energetic system to continuously correct the harmful interference.  

    In the second case, we apply the protective influence to the harmful source and this corrects and transforms the electromagnetic waves into bio-compatible emanations.  In the case of pulsed electromagnetic waves (Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and cell phones) the corrected influence emanates with the same strength as the original, harmful source but in a bio-compatible and positive way.


WEARING SHUNGITE:  PENDANTS, JEWELRY, BELT, BODY SUPPORTS (Anklet, Knees Band, Waist Band, Elbows Band, Shoulder Pad, Neck Band, Head Band and Eyes Pad)

  Wearing a beautiful stone is a pleasure. Having a piece of Shungite on one's person, protects, tones, and adds vitality.  When you're a little tired, all you need to do is hold the stone in your hand for three minutes and, by "contacting" it, your vital energy will return instantly.

  Having a Shungite stone handy can be quite useful in small, daily emergencies.  For example, in the case of a small burn or cut, place a piece of Shungite on the affected area and let it work there for about ten minutes.  Healing will take place more quickly because the Shungite activates localized, self-healing power by speeding up reaction processes in the body tissues.

  Something else you can do is to place two polished type II black Shungite stones or two discs of Shungite on your closed eye-lids as you stretch out for a few minutes.  This really helps eye strain after a day of work especially when it was mostly in front of a computer screen.

  Wearing a pendant at the level of the heart chakra brings the stone into contact with a very perceive point and increases its beneficial effect.

  A necklace of Shungite pearls, because of its size, will exercise a powerful effect on the whole energetic body.

   Bracelets are also very effective because the wrist is traversed by many meridian lines.  They are especially useful for those people who are in contact with a computer mouse or a telephone all day.  Bracelets can ward off  numbness in the arm.

  Earrings, although they are small in size, are useful in protecting the ear from the impact of waves coming from cell phones or cordless phones.

  Shungite pearls belt that can be worn around the waist or on painful or depleted areas.  During convalescence they are very effective in restoring lost vitality to the whole body as well as during periods of sustained effort.  Although such belts are very effective and invigorating, they are temporary measures and should not be used every day. 



Children can also take advantage of Shungite's properties.

  In general a child is well grounded and full of life.  Unfortunately, however, the new technologies attract and over stimulate a child's upper chakras, especially with the overuse of computer games.  Many children are over stimulated in the sixth chakra and this creates symptoms of hyperactivity.  This syndrome can be understood energetically as an imbalance among the chakras and often a lack of grounding. The sixth chakra is greatly overdeveloped to the detriment of the first and seventh chakras (representing the mother and father respectively), which are too small.  Wearing a Shungite pendant or bracelet  during the day (but not every day at least at a beginning) and having harmonizers in the bedroom can, after a few weeks, help children get their bearings.

   Shungite water, in a small glass in the morning is also helpful for children, especially, if they're sick you can increase the dose to one or two glasses a day.



  Shungite's  ability to relieve pain through direct contact but also penetrating through any kind of material has led us to make belts or bands stuffed with Shungite pebbles or plates for use on the back, the shoulder, the waist, the wrist,  the elbows ,the knees, and ankles, and so on.

  The Shungite pearls belt and Shungite plate waist band are helpful for people suffering from arthritis or pain due to aging.  They can be worn in contact with the painful areas during the day and, if need be, also at night.  Our personal experience has confirmed the effectiveness of these belts. Friends and clients have reported very positive results. The belts are placed against places that are painful or stiff in order to bring suppleness and mobility to the localized energy.  They can also be worn against the kidneys in order to activate the whole energetic body, or in conjunction with walks or physical effort.

  A small mat or cushion of Shungite can be a good way to regain a bit of life force in elderly people.  It can be used as a decorative piece on an armchair or sofa and will help the person rediscover good alignment of the spinal column, reinforces strength and vigor, and relieves dorsal pain.  Another way of using it is to take your shoes off and place your feet directly on the mat, cushion, and or even to Shungite pebbles for the maximum effect.

  For those who have circulation problems in the lower limbs, varicose veins, or swollen feet, the Shungite mat, knee band, ankle band will get the energy and the blood circulation moving again.  It can be used for  few hours each day, but not in the two or three hours before bedtime since stimulation or activation before going to bed always should be avoided to obtain the benefit of a good night's sleep.

  The Shungite cushion, mate, knee band, ankle band  can also be used to relieve, balance, and activate those confined to wheelchairs, whether their infirmity is temporary of ongoing. Moreover, they will protect the person from harmful radiation generated by motorized wheelchairs.

  It is important to note that Shungite should be used in moderation in cases of hypertension.  Shungite has a positive action on hypertension when scheduled competently with proper staging.  Overuse is never advisable.



  When we spend time in vehicles, whether in a car or on public transit, we are cut off from the cosmic and telluric emanations of nature.  Our bioenergetics measurements prove that just being seated in a closed automobile, without the motor running, shrinks our vital field by 15 percent compared to its normal extent.  In addition, we are subjected to electromagnetic fields when the car's motor is running. with a GPS and a cell phone present, the interior of the vehicle becomes saturated with electromagnetic waves that have no way of escaping because the car acts like a Faraday cage.  A Faraday cage is a metallic enclosure or cage that isolates a space against the influence of external electric fields while preventing any fields, inside it from escaping. 

  Pulsed waves multiply inside a vehicle simply because, when the GPS or phone is operating, it is continually looking for networks as the vehicle moves from the signals of one relay tower to the next.  The effect of a cell phone's emissions can be increased by up to a factor of ten inside a vehicle. 

  Shungite is a big help in doing this.  It reconnects us to the Earth, it re-centers us, and protects us from the left torsion fields produced by motors and electromagnetic fields.

  You can carry it on you in your pocket, as a pendant, or in a cloth belt.  For people who use a vehicle daily or for long periods the best way to ward off harmful effects and fatigue is to put a Shungite cushion on the driver's seat.

  When traveling by plane, especially long-distance flights, the use of Shungite (a necklace, or Shungite shoulder pad for example) helps us withstand the energetic disturbances caused by pressurization.  When you arrive, keep the Shungite on you for a little while because the grounding effect can help you get over the jet lag.  When you get off the plane the first chakra is smaller. You need to reconnect with the ground on which you stand.  Shungite reactivates this relationship.  Make gifts of Shungite to friends who are pilots or flight attendants-they will be very grateful to you!



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